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Lu (b. 1999, China) is a Singaporean artist focusing on multi-faceted social and political issues, primarily in the context of Singapore. Her works are characterised by their straightforward and candid nature, aiming to create a space for audiences to reflect upon and share their own experiences, confront prejudice and discrimination, and confront societal challenges. 


Lu's upbringing as a second-generation immigrant was marked by constant reminders and labels both at home and in school, which left her feeling disconnected and lacking a sense of grounding. This experience led her to adopt a mindset of denial, avoidance, and pretence. It was this embodiment of personal experiences that drew her to the realm of performance art. By using her body as a vessel, she creates subversive acts of political and social commentary. Her research and artistic practice are deeply influenced by her personal experiences of navigating the tensions between nationalism and identity. She is particularly intrigued by the role and context of language, including accents and creoles, and how they intersect with other aspects of culture.


Lu's artistic approach offers a unique perspective on societal matters, inviting audiences to engage with her work and encouraging critical reflection on the complexities of contemporary existence. By examining the interplay between language and food, she aims to deepen our understanding of cultural relativism, the diversity of human experiences, and the ways in which language influences our relationship with food.


Exhibitions (selected)


Discomfort Food (solo exhibition), Fitzrovia Gallery, London, United Kingdom



Degree Show, Royal College of Art, London, United Kingdom

Beyond Surface, March Tate Lates, Tate, London, United Kingdom

尽管室外积雪如山 Despite the Snow Outside, Imaginary Z, Hangzhou, China



Degree Show, Ben Pimlott Building, London, United Kingdom

Her Voice, Laurie Grove Baths, London, United Kingdom



Foundation (Extension) Show, St. James Annexe, London, United Kingdom

Collaboration, Goldsmiths, University of London Special Archive Collection





MA Contemporary Art Practice (CAP), Royal College of Art, London, United Kingdom



BA Fine Art (Extension), Goldsmiths University of London,  United Kingdom

First-class (Hons)

2019 - 2022

Foundation (Year 0), Goldsmiths University of London,  United Kingdom



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